
Local Rules


  1. Distance Markers

Distance Markers as on the Score Card refer to the fixed mid fairway circular discs and concrete base portion only of the side of fairway markers.   These are deemed to be Immovable Obstructions.   Relief may be obtained under (Rule 16.1) of the Rules of Golf.

The upright Distance Poles are deemed to be Movable Obstructions and may be temporarily removed (without penalty) for the purposes of playing a shot.

  1. Course Signage and Seats

Immovable obstruction (Rule 16.1) Rules of Golf applies.

Determine the nearest point of complete relief, THEN measure one club length from that point, not closer to the hole.

  1. Out of Bounds

Out of bounds at left hand side of 9th and 18th holes.  A ball lying in, on or over the line is deemed out of bounds (Rule 18.2). Rules of Golf applies, the player must take stroke-and-distance relief by adding one penalty stroke and playing the original ball or another ball from where the previous stroke was made.

For the purpose of player safety the following temporary provisions will apply in qualifying competitions:

  1. Flagsticks

Flagsticks must remain in the hole at all times.

  1. Bunkers

When a player’s ball lies in a bunker, the player may prefer the lie within six inches. (See Model Local Rule E-3 for details of how this must be done.)” Please note that smoothing the sand before placing the ball is not allowed. The ball should be marked before lifting.

Competition Committee

June 2020

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